1. How long are shipping times?
Your product will be shipped within 2 to 7 days. Once dispatched from our warehouse, it may take up to 3 weeks for you to receive your product.
2. What is your refund Policy?
Rather than returning items, you can reach out to us for a full refund, within 30 days of arrival. Why? Because returns go against our commitment to sustainability; each return leaves a carbon footprint. So, simply email us, explain the issue, attach a picture, and we will refund you in full. Afterwards, if feasible, please consider donating your product to a local charity or recycling it.
3. Can i cancel my order?
Cancellations are permissible if your package has not arrived within the specified timeframe for each product. Occasionally, orders are dispatched before a cancellation can be processed. Therefore, if you cancel your order but still receive the package, you are welcome to either recycle it, donate it, or keep it for your enjoyment.
4. What happens if i receive the wrong item?
Should there be any problem with your order, such as incorrect size, color, or a defect, or if it's not quite what you expected, just let us know and we will issue a refund. There is no need to return the item to us.